LUNA PHOTOGRAPHY | AKL- 18th April 2016 AD……………………..

This article of photography is owned by Kevin James Ng, no reproduction in any form may be used for commercial usage...
mare imbrium as seen on the 17 April 2016 AD on misty night
These two articles of photography is owned by Kevin James Ng, no reproduction in any form may be used for commercial usage...
As this moth the moon Luna heads towards full moon ..
These two articles of photography is owned by Kevin James Ng, no reproduction in any form may be used for commercial usage...
can see the intense Luna Landscape in between the Mare’s also the heavily Cratered Areas..


Last night was quite very misty as Auckland moves towards the winter season as Autumn is the current season for the time been at the moment,  as night sky is getting colder also inching towards a wintery few degrees Celsius lower… last night was interesting for a Sunday the view is getting sharper as the atmosphere is even more still than if was summery season… also Luna is moving to even more of a Waxing Gibbous towards full moon as the terminator recedes showing more of the Luna landscape as shadows create that impressions of depths…..

This article of photography is owned by Kevin James Ng, no reproduction in any form may be used for commercial usage…

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