#ULA – United Launch Alliance #NOAA | #Delta2 #JPSS1 – Joint Polar Satellite System System with CubeSats hitching a ride – Mission Profile.

On 15 November 2017 west coast California time is the launch of the ULA-United Space Alliance Delta two 7920-10 carrier rocket, in which its been while for a Delta Two rocket launch, in which a majority it has been dedicated for Delta fours and fives in various different configuration..  Delta two 7920-10 carrier rocket has six solid rocket boosters with first stage, second and the final stage in will launch the remaining path of JPSS-1 payload… The launch of the ULA’s Delta 2 is a the start of the launch window of 0147 Hours Pacific Savings time From Vandenberg Air Force Base, in California from Launch Complex two..  As it was previous launch on 14 November 2017 with some issues arising that need to be resolved in which those resolvements was beyond the allowed launch window opening..

…  The Client for the JPPS-1 is for NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric administration in which this is the first of four JPSS series weather satellites….. The JPPS-1 Payload will be deployed into a 822 Kilometer Near Circular Orbit in which will orbit around earth in a polar orbit, repeating from Pole to Pole also crossing the equator  fourteen times a day, covering all the data observationally gathering it needs on weather.. In which its provisions is Joint Polar Satellite System- JPSS-1 in which provisionment is to Data gathering on weather observation for extreme weathering and environmental prediction in forecasting and monitoring… In which its advancements in technological and scientific instrumentation provides in measuring global sea surface temperatures and humidity and tidal dynamics, also checks the health cycle of the Ozone layer also it’s concentration levels….it’s other packages is measurement of Earth’s solar reflection of sunlight and thermal radiation emission of Earth.. among the main payload of JPSS-1 is a series of CubeSats hitching a ride deployed after when the main payload has been deployed….

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