#iPhonePhotography |#火星 #Mars – 13th July 2018- The Martian #perigee for a wintery Auckland New Zealand night…

The Planet Mars current in the rising eastward in the very wintery Auckland New Zealand night skies as its experiencing a Martian sand storm in which you cans see polar ice capes.. Photographer @KevinJamesNg


During this on 13th Friday July 2018, Winterfell wintery Auckland, New Zealand month of fourth of July in between early to twenty ninth August 2018 is the Perigee for the rustic rusty red planet mars in which is current located in the constellation nearby following Sagittarius, in which three other planets are visible in the wintery night Earth’s hot tempted twin sister Venus, with two Gaseous Planets, Jupiter in Libra, in which Saturn in the constellation Sagittarius ……

Mars (6794 Kilometers Diameter) is closer to the planet earth during this Perigee season for this year in which currently it’s undergoing a massive planetary wide Martian Sand storm in which seen recent Mars movie The Martian when a massive storm undertook the Martian exploration team that suffice in Missing in Action of Astronaut Mark Watney- Matt Damon … Perigee is term when two planets, or items comes closely together.. In which is least fifty seven point six million Kilometers from planet earth on the thirty first July 2018..   In which the rusty planet becomes more rustic brilliant with its iconic details of the ice polar caps from either poles…  Apart from those two features is the massive stretch canyon scar in which you can see the outline on the Martian landscape …  of the Slight least than half the size diameter of Earth (12750 Kilometer)…

Wanting to know more given that your local in Hong Kong best to visit the Hong Kong Space Museum in which they have a Hong Kong Space Museum Observatory – Sai Kung ObservatoryAstropark in Chong Hing Water Sport Center... Or Southern Hemisphere at the Auckland Observatory-Stardome New Zealand to view the Planet Mars..

#iPhonePhotography | #LunarEclipse2018 #Supermoon #Auckland- Under an extremely blanketed clouded out Cyclone Fehi late night to early morning unstarry skies- A Gallery

On a in between almost midnight 31st January – Very weathering clouded extremely clouded out Auckland- New Zealand in bracing for an impending Cyclone Fehi that’s bound arrived in the later hours till midnight on the 31st January to 1st February 2018 in which the event of the Auckland Lunar Eclipse event of the Luna Rosa ended unobserved till four ending in the morning…  From the anticipated Supermoon that’s risen over the hills of One Tree looking towards north eastern direction that slight over right of the summit of one tree hill, in which a mass of crowds have gathered  at the back of Auckland Observatory- Stardome for the courtyard telescopes with a great team of volunteers whom operate them..  as the mass of crowds gather with their photographing camera equipment with their picnic blankets keeping warm throughout the night also the unexpected early hours morning …..

As the Supermoon rises from behind the hill embankments of One Tree Hill, in which the moon is closes towards the Planet earth in its elliptical orbit calling it Apogee, as the apogee moon rise from the horizon the image of the moon is magnified due to the heavy thick Atmospheric layering at the horizon in which increase the image of the moon, than from as it moves towards a higher angle of in the night sky in which it reduced magnification due to the thin atmosphere layer ….. As on the on the other side of hemisphere in Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Space Museum staging various events around Hong Kong one of many in nearby in Tsim Sha Tsui,  Kowloon Park, also Sha Tin also in Central on Hong Kong Island, with very great clear viewing  weather conditions than of Auckland..

the crowds awaits in the Cyclone Fehi Auckland cloudy night skies a the courtyard telescopes at the Auckland Observatory-Stardome

During that onwards towards midnight it the building up of cyclone Fehi clouds started to concentratingly to nomadically increase only to have slightly teasing selectively of viewing the moon as it transition from the earth shadows umbra starting the cast on the Luna Shadow slowly, as it was gate crashing the moments of looking transiting moon,  towards the Luna Rosa.. In which as it gathered upwards to that moment it wasn’t possible to watched as the rain decide to gate crash the event.. Nor to photograph even further… like packing your troubles in that  first  Yosemite night time campfire scene from Star Trek V- The Final Frontier where Captain Kirk, Doctor McCoy’s, Captain Spock camping trip was interrupted ….

#iPhonePhotography | 萬聖節月亮 – The 31 October 2017 #Halloween Moon – A Gallery


It was a on at night with the Halloween Phantom of the Opera Moon on the 31st October 2017 in Auckland-New Zealand in which during that that day night it was clear remarkable in which latterly the cloudy started to gate crashed from the north..  During that same day it was the eve of Halloween in east coast where Space X had currently launched the South Korean television telecommunications Satellite KoreaSat5A.. on the following day over in the west coast at California is the multiple payload launch of the SkySat also Dove Satellites in one single launch by OrbitalATK in which both launches met its launch criteria besides waiting patience for the weather..


Meanwhile on that same Halloween day, Southern Hemisphere wise at the Auckland Observatory-Stardome were running with Halloween theme night. With props of Tombstones suspended ghouls with decorative running spiders, flying bats, in which running in sessions of three Halloween thematic planetarium shows each come with Halloween loot treat swag…

Before the gate-crashing blanketing rain clouds that came rolling over from north as it ghost storyline the waxing gibbous Phantom of the opera moon in creating that Halloween look for the moon in view as the storyline the Jade Rabbit eye.. In which you can see the promenade features of the sea of the Apollo 11 landed sea of Tranquility also Apollo 17 landed  Serenity… among that the moon was moving away from the constellation Scorpio in which rising later as she headed towards the full moon- second quarter then onwards wanningly towards the New Moon..

#iPhonePhotography #ObservetheMoon |春天的月亮 – 24th October 2017 spring crescent #moon – on a very almost clear night- A Gallery –


As I’m keyboarding this post on the 29th October 2017 it’s the #ObservetheMoon is International Observe the moon night  in which the moon will be currently least sixty five percent waxing gibbous in which Luna the moon reveals more her full moon lacy cratered wedding dress towards on the fifth November 2017……..On  a relative  clear spring  Yesterday in Auckland New Zealand night in with during that week’s night sky in which was a previously week was a rain out week thought out the country in which as I’m keyboarding this post.. It has relativity retracted the clear fine day in replacing with a cloudy rainy day…  As it was 24th October 2017 the moon Luna shade with the Earth shadow at seventeen percent Waxing Gibbous in which was four day –nights ago from the New Moon in which the Earth Shadow casted giving a total Waning Gibbous on the 20th October 2017..

As the moon was trending towards the Waxing Gibbous in which unveiling the earth shadow Terminator lacy veil, in which showing her Luna cratered embroidery lacy wedding dress slowly, as Luna rises little later by little away from the Constellation Scorpio as itself too settles earlier among with the planet Saturn looking at averagely of one billion Kilometers away also one hour ago back in time..

As this week night on the 26th October 2017, Auckland Observatory-Stardome, in which while working during the past eight in the evening that interesting night interestingly noticing a very bright transiting object transiting from the constellation Scorpio towards the Southern Cross from westward to the south is the International Space Station in which nibbling tracking looking through the eight inch Meade … looking through the lens finding it was a flat H, in which seeing the main solar panels of the international space station, with the structural trust, in which in the center is the looking at the living modules of the space station itself, in which the main radiators in which lens flared the main central station’s central structure..

#iPhonePhotography |春天滿月- 8th September 2017 – on a previously mild clear Auckland Spring #FullMoon –


If you’re wondering about tonight on the eighth of September 2017 at Auckland Observatory-Stardome,  they’re screen one of the iconic episode sequels from Star Trek The Original Series – “Space Seeds” that was prequel foretold in the storyline of the crew of NX-01 Enterprise as there was Argument Humans-Superhuman that ruled half of Earth over a short period of time in the late 20th  to the early 21st  century then the remaining  crew with its leader Khan Noonien Singh forcefully exile on a sleeper sub-light ship the Botany Bay..  Until then they were discovered by the crew of nearly 40 year old Constitution class USS Enterprise under Captain Kirk the story goes from there until Khan and his crew was again exile at Ceti Alpha four.. In from after that you’ll have to find out in which screening tonight at Stardome-Auckland Observatory at eight New Zealand time for the … “ Star Trek-Wrath of Khan” ….

As of yesterday one the 7th September 2017 Auckland –New Zealand, last night it was a great night as it was the full moon in which there was a modest moderate of crowds for the night in viewing the full moon, in which brighten up the night sky… in which you can see along the other side which the terminator has slightly came back along the side where the Jade Rabbit is… is slowly progressively veiling towards the new moon in which as it tends toward the new moon the moon rises later in the evening ….. Orthough it was great night in viewing the full moon, in which you can still make out the constellations and clusters in the night sky after an earlier much clearer night sky after it rained out the smog pollutants in the air… As for the moon orthough it was full, the features of the moon were washout, but you can see some shadowy indention craters…