#SHERLOCK | season four – behind the scenes- set building time-lapse inside of 221B Baker Street …….

As “SHERLOCK” is set to become a uncle also a God father to a new born child to the Watson Household… also set to screen on 1st January 2017.. , written by Mark Gatiss, Directed by Rachel Talalay, as Sherlock fumbles humbly to protect the three or the two, then back to three… As season four pans out to be more with darker elements… in which the set interior of 221B Baker Street is constructed from scratch, in first the flooring foundations, then constructed like any housing complex the floors then with the wooden frame walls that take shape of one many floors of 221B Baker Street,   then it’s furnished with the many furnishings that represents the character of the premise of the person, also certain elements in the screenplay as also the sets could be easily decompiled for later storage if given use of another project that’s undertaking in production .. The Set of 221B Baker Street was constructed like it was a massive puzzle that that Sherlock likes to map investigatory put together forensically…

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