#iPhonePhotography | 冬月 #winters #Moon – 29th July 2017- it was the coldest starry Auckland Night on – A Gallery


Last night on the 29thJuly 2017, it was the coldest Saturday night in Auckland, New Zealand  in which the following morning in which last night temperature dropped from eight to three degrees C wearing multiple layers of clothing  in which  it warmly works, as it reaching midnight in which the following morning furthering it dropped more into the least than five towards one Degrees C least… in which last night it was the most frozen light, it was sharper than the previous weeks before in which the path of light was least distorted, diffracted as showing crowds of the frozen starry night skies …


This time at the moon rises lately in the night as it moves towards the Full Moon as Waxing Gibbous more of the Earth Shadow most away from the Moon, as it’s currently in between fifty percent onwards you can see more of the Luna features with Luna Landscape in which if you see the moon like an A- line wedding dress with a lacy Crater textured embroidery with a grey silk lining, with a chiffon satin….. If you see the moon that way you’ll see the texturing patchwork of the indention of how the depth of the craters is…. On that night you can see the among the terminator lines like a terminator Veil Unveiling robe in which you could see the outline of Craters in which you could see how deep the craters is……. Among with the more the Waxing Gibbous, with the Tranquility also Serenity starts to reveal their stories about the NASA’s Apollo Lunar Mission... Also about the Jade Rabbit..

#iPhonePhotography | 冬月 #winters #Moon Luna – The Waning Gibbous crescent- Closer in becoming…

As currently today, as I’m keyboarding writing up also uploading ..  it’s been mostly rainy today in Auckland with polar winds with freezing wintery polar conditions for the week in which South Island of New Zealand currently with massive snow coverage, in which is today it’s been mostly cloudy raining today…. Orthough the wintery nights makes looking also photography the night sky makes the images silky sharp…

Last night in which was later in the in the night there was modest small opening in between the raining polar blasting clouds that’s yet to come…. As the polar weather was onset to come it also it’s the process of the phases of the moon as it now tending towards the new moon in which the Moon started to terminator veiling with the earth shadow on the other side of the Moon… as the moon tends towards the new moon the moon raises later….   As you look closer at the moon Luna silky satin cratered lacy wedding dress in a waning gibbous you can see the moon in a different perspective than the waxing Gibbous the story is different as it already told you about the Jade Rabbit- sea of Tranquility also Serenity but it’s telling her story the Jade Maiden’s story where most of the larger Mare’s or seas are..

In view of last night it was modestly great, the crowds get to view the two gaseous planets one summery autumn the planet Jupiter in the bodice of the constellation Virgo the virgin , also the wintery planet Saturn in the constellation in-between  Scorpio  and  Sagittarius that once was in previous weeks in the constellation Libra..

#iPhonePhotography | 冬月 #winters #Moon Luna- July 2017- From an almost New towards the almost full moon – A Gallery

As the Southern Hemisphere wintery month of July progressives, as to the phases of the moon in which the moon early this month the moon Luna…. As the  moon progresses through the new moon after a stormy June month with various following cyclones and hurricanes that ravaged through the New Zealand, with some townships, cities  that  have succumbed to flooding..

As the wintery month arrived with a very frozen air, a very wintery still frozen air in which provides sharpness in silky light for resolution in definition in which on summery season those images have a slight softness on how the images turned out with the summery increase in humidity as to the least wintery humidity….

In which those silky sharpness translates onto the from the moonlight  in which we see the various layers of moon in between silk, satin, chiffon cratered lacy  wedding dress.. in which I see the moon that way fashionably as when you look at type of material texturing of that particular wedding dress, you’ll see the layers the inside  silky lining outside satin dress shell ……in which you can see the mares the carters depths in which those lacy parts..

as you closer the surface of the moon is like a lacy wedding dress in with greys and whites undertones..

As the moon tends towards the full moon, most of the carters become more washed out by the lighted glare in so does the mares or the seas of the moon in which details become slightly noticeable… in which the best time to look at the moon is when it’s in first quarter from ten to seventy percent waxing gibbous in which there are least light in……

#iPhonePhotography |草莓月亮 Strawberry #Moon – the Mini Full Moon- #Apogee

In currently in which Auckland, New Zealand currently it wintery raining Saturday  today for the weekend as I’m currently keyboarding, writing this currently then as I upload last night footage while keyboarding..…As tonight ninth also tenth June 2017, also recent last night it is the Strawberry Moon… which the Moon appears to be smaller in image size due to the most distance away point in it elliptical orbit from earth in other term it means 遠地點 Apogee.  In which the closest is call Perigee in orbit with its full phase…. The current location for the Strawberry moon for this event is just in the location near the 星座天蠍座 Constellation of Scorpio where nearby its heart is, also its nearby location of the 土星 Planet Saturn…….

During the full moon, as it covered in with it reflective moonlight from the Earth, also as to with the Earth also to with the sunlight… with a good decent size mirror telescope looking at circumference Luna landscape edge you could see the Terminator veil outline in which showing a few shadowy in depth of craters…..  in the region past where Tycho crater is..  Revealing more of that impacts aftermath…  as too in early in the week it unveiling the stories of the 玉兔 Jade Rabbit also the玉少女 Jade Maiden..


#iPhonePhotography | 月亮新月 Luna Crescent – a small collection- looking at the #moon Luna’s lace cratered embroidery dress..

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Over the last few months there have been some interesting moments of when the moon Luna have gone through a progression towards the new moon, that progression is the Waning Gibbous of the Moon… in which viewing the moon Luna is different compare to the last nights, telling a different story of herself has she unveils her lace textured terminator in revealing interesting explored also unexplored stories that she tells….  Few stories she tells is the 玉兔 – Jade rabbit, then slowly moving towards the 玉女-  Jade Maiden as its story famously for the first landing on the moon on the sea of Tranquility of the Apollo eleven in 20th July 1969- , also its last in which in Sea of Serenity… looking at the crescent moon you look at the interesting features in which you’ll see the shadow outlines of the crater’s shadow casting on itself in which those shadows can encompass whole cities..

#iPhonePhotography | 月亮新月 Luna Crescent – a small collection- far and closer of the moon Luna’s lace cratered embroidery dress- 

Photographer @KevinJamesNg

– Photography using an iPhone six-