AFK | away from Keyboard – Adventuring in your fantasy MMO….


Given that you missed the Dragon Age also The Guild the web series which featured Geek and Sundry’s founder Felicia Day…. Then this might be your fix “AFK -Away From Keyboard” for the Fall indoors or outdoors Summer.. It’s a set of people whom played in this MMORPG, or known as Massive Multiplayer online role playing game.. Like World of Warcraft or Star Trek Online. But one night the gamers gets Trans planted in their role playing characters.. All hell breaks look in this Video Game Fantasy it seems all the gamers got transplanted in their characters having facing the real game world and rules that they game in.. And mostly the main lead team is completely out of their depths in a game world that they should know..

The Production takes place in various areas of Auckland, New Zealand , mainly filmed in the locations of Cornwell and One Tree Hill park where Auckland’s Observatory in the corners of Manukau and Greenlane road.. Production wise it took over a while to produce… in location where it set the premise of the game world that they’re of an very Medieval type locations….Also it should be interesting to the gamers are accustomed to their characters with reverse gender roles.. also hitting globally where looking forward to the next seasons of their Misadventures…  The first screening of the AFK of season one is on Sky Television’s The Zone on October 28th then on You Tube on sixth November 2015………

WORLD OF WARCRAFT – Documentary| looking for group… an inside to Blizzard..?

On eighth of November 5.00 Pacific Time “Blizzard’s World of Warcraft” is celebrating ten years of the most diverse adventurous successive MMORPG … during this Documentary…  it explores the many social aspects of the community through gameplay and how it could apply in real life social circumstances through living through their characters they adventure throughout Azeroth.. the Documentary explores the lives with its creators, developers, also an inside depth of Blizzards first time insight to the public of what lies behind those servers rooms and systems .