#AlreadyTomorrowInHongKong #香港| #香港太空館 #HongKongSpaceMuseum #May2022 |凝望銀河中心-探索超級黑洞人馬座A*之秘 | Sagittarius A*: the Supermassive Black Hole at our Galactic Center – #EventHorizonTelescope #EHT…..

Located in the Heart of Hong Kong central of Victoria Harbour in which locate looking at the iconic Megatroplis HongKong Island city landscape from the opposite is the Hong Kong Space Museum  香港太空館 in which located at 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China –People’s Republic of China..  in which is one of the most international iconic buildings architecturally due to its hemispheric round dome in which is iconic known as one of Hong Kong’s local most cherish bread pastries the Pineapple Bun – Bolo Bao due to the pineapple ceramic texturing tiles of the dome structure that resembles the delicious texturing of the Pineapple Bun .. In which on In June 2014, the Hong Kong Government listed the pineapple bun as a part of Hong Kong’s intangible cultural heritage. … Despite the name, it does not traditionally contain pineapple; rather, the name refers to the look of the characteristic topping (which resembles the texture of a pineapple)……

On 21st May 2022 Saturday at 12 midday Hong Kong SAR – Beijing Time ….  A two hour Lecture speaker was live stream from Hong Kong Space Museum Venue: Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum perform in the Cantonese Dialect on Regardingly On凝望銀河中心-探索超級黑洞人馬座A*之秘 | Sagittarius A*: the Supermassive Black Hole at our Galactic Center….

On 12 May, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) revealed the first image or shadow of the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). It is also the second black hole ever to be “seen” in human history.

EHT started observing the two black holes lurking at the centre of the M87 galaxy and the Milky Way in 2017. Sgr A*, our nearest black hole neighbour in the heart of our galaxy, is about 27,000 light-years away from Earth. Being about 2,000 times closer to Earth than the M87 black hole, the Sgr A* black hole should be an easier target to observe. However, why would its image come three years after the first image of the distant M87 galaxy? What are the challenges and difficulties of discovering, observing, and analysing this mysterious supermassive black hole?

In this lecture, we are honoured to have Prof Chan Chi-kwan, a member of the EHT team from Hong Kong, and the Associate Professor from the University of Arizona to introduce the characteristics of Sgr A* black hole and explain how to render the black hole image from mammoth amounts of data. The lecture will be live-streamed on the Space Museum’s YouTube Channel too. Therefore, whether you stay home or come to our Museum, you can also get to know this astronomy breakthrough with us!


「事件視界望遠鏡」計劃 (Event Horizon Telescope, EHT) 喺5月12日公布超級黑洞人馬座A* (Sagittarius A*, Sgr A*) 嘅第一張剪影影像,亦都係是人類史上第二個「睇」到嘅黑洞。







Images and visuals are from the Hong Kong Space Museum -香港太空館 Hong Kong Space Museum –- 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR- China- People’s Republic of China …..

#AlreadyTomorrowInHongKong #香港| #香港太空館 #HongKongSpaceMuseum #November2021 | #月偏食直播 Live Streaming of #PartialLunarEclipse for the 19th November 2021….

Located in the Heart of Hong Kong central of Victoria Harbour in which locate looking at the iconic Megatroplis HongKong Island city landscape from the opposite is the Hong Kong Space Museum  香港太空館 in which located at 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China –People’s Republic of China..  in which is one of the most international iconic buildings architecturally due to its hemispheric round dome in which is iconic known as one of Hong Kong’s local most cherish bread pastries the Pineapple Bun – Bolo Bao due to the pineapple ceramic texturing tiles of the dome structure that resembles the delicious texturing of the Pineapple Bun .. In which on In June 2014, the Hong Kong Government listed the pineapple bun as a part of Hong Kong’s intangible cultural heritage. … Despite the name, it does not traditionally contain pineapple; rather, the name refers to the look of the characteristic topping (which resembles the texture of a pineapple)……

The Hong Kong Space Museum  香港太空館 is a museum in  which is dedicated as museum for Astronomy and Space Sciences in which educating with  facilities of the museum are located in a building next to the planetarium, showcasing information about the Solar System, cosmology, and spaceflight……  holdings various types of astronomical exhibitions and lectures. It is also open to schools, groups and the public… in which it is opened on 1980 and managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government…. In which the construction only took three years to build starting of that construction is 1977… Opening on 8th October 1980.

lunar eclipse photography – photographer @kevinjamesng for KevinJamesNg.com 月 LunaCrescent.com


A partial lunar eclipse will be visible in Hong Kong on November 19 (Friday). This is the second lunar eclipse this year, after the first one in May. Members of the public may enjoy this event during the evening when the Moon rises from the east-northeast horizon. At the time of moonrise at 5:38pm that day, the “maximum eclipse” stage has already ended. The Moon is leaving the umbra gradually and the partial eclipse ends at 6:47pm when the Moon exits the Earth’s umbra completely. The whole eclipse ends when the Moon leaves the penumbra at 8:06pm.

The Hong Kong Space Museum will live stream the partial lunar eclipse on that day. Curators will introduce the science behind lunar eclipse and share interesting titbits related to this astronomical phenomenon.

Speaker: Dr. SO Chu-wing (Assistant Curator of the Hong Kong Space Museum),

Miss LEUNG Wing-yan, Frances (Assistant Curator of the Hong Kong Space Museum)

Date: 19 November 2021 (Friday)

Time 🙁 1730-1900 Hong Kong SAR –Beijing Time)   5:30 – 7:00  pm Language: Cantonese









月出:17:38  復圓:18:47 半影食終:20:06 Hong Kong SAR- Beijing Time.

For other places of watching the Livestreaming of the Near Lunar Eclipse in Hong Kong SAR- China- People’s Republic of China..

有關月食的詳細資訊,可瀏覽香港太空館網頁For details of the lunar eclipse, please visit the website of the Hong Kong Space Museum:

月偏食電腦模擬影片Simulation video of Partial Lunar Eclipse:

香港天文台Hong Kong Observatory:

保良局顏寶鈴書院Po Leung Kuk Ngan Po Ling College:

月偏食網上聯合直播Joint webcast on Partial Lunar Eclipse:

#香港 #AlreadyTomorrowInHongKong | #西九龍 #WestKowloonDistrict # September2021 |西九文化區藝術公園—全新維港綠色藝文空間 #WestKowloonArtPark – #HongKongSAR #HongKong Newest city Park…..

Located in the heart of West Kowloon Cultural District is the ICC – International Commerce Center  484 Tower Building the Highest tower building in Hong Kong SAR next to on Hong Kong Island IFC 416 meters tall building in Hong Kong SAR – China- People’s Republic of China is Hong Kong SAR’s newest City Park in which becoming West Kowloon Art Park District in which gives abundances show casting  of multiplies of Chinese – Hong Kong’s  local to international arts in all forms premises and genres..  

Featuring a sprawling promenade, sweeping views of the Victoria Harbour, open lawn spaces and footpaths, the Art Park is an urban oasis for recreation, relaxation and pets. From bistros and pet-friendly cafes to fine dining experiences, the Art Park offers a plethora of harbourfront dining options. A variety of indoor and outdoor entertainment options are also available here, including Freespace, a contemporary performing arts centre. Amenities include rentable SmartBikes and bottle-filling water dispensers at multiple locations.

藝術公園擁有寬闊的海濱長廊、一覽無遺的維港景緻及綠意盎然的草坪,適合與小朋友消閒休憩、跟友人愛侶歡度時光,或與寵物暢快玩樂,是集多種功能於一身的城市綠洲。 藝術公園沿海濱提供了多項餐飲美食體驗,酒吧、寵物友善餐廳、精緻奢華的高級餐廳都包羅其中。 這裏有各種室內和戶外娛樂活動選擇,包括表演藝術場地自由空間。藝術公園亦提供SmartBike單車租賃服務,並設有多部盛水式水機,讓你隨時隨地補充水分。

#香港 #AlreadyTomorrowInHongKong | #MTRHongKong #港鐵 #February2021 |#MTRNewLines Preparation between #HongKong Island and Kowloon- New Territories in the future the #EastRailLine #TuenMaLine Getting ready for the new line- Trial operations for Tuen Ma Line new Sung Wong Toi Station full line commence…….!…


Trial operations for Tuen Ma Line full line commence!……… During this February 2021 Month of first on the Year of the Ox  .. Trial operations have begun on the Tuen Ma Line to gear up for full line opening and trial run of trains during traffic hours is underway. Let’s take a ride on the new section from East Tsim Sha Tsui Station to the new Sung Wong Toi Station from the train captain’s view!

Starting from tomorrow 16th February 2021, trains will be arranged to enter the new section of the Tuen Ma Line for trial operations after they arrive at Kai Tak Station. We will have public announcements and deploy staff to remind passengers to alight from the trains at this terminal station. Meanwhile, passengers will also be arranged to board trains at Platform 2 of Kai Tak Station.

【屯馬綫全綫進入試營運階段啦! 】



During December 2020 The World’s Leading Public Transport provider The MTR Hong Kong – Hong Kong SAR-China- People’s Republic of China..  in which ever so constantly the MTR Hong Kong have been grown innovatively providing  In order to provide faster and more convenient rail services Between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon- New Territories in the future the East Rail Line cross Harbour section tunnel is ready now.. in which makes it the fourth cross harbour rail tunnel in Hong Kong SAR- China- People’s Republic of China.. ….in which let’s see what’s the preparation are. …. The Bifurcation Works of the East Rail Line is approaching their most Crucial Phase, The Works will soon connecting the operationally sections in between Hung Hom – Exhibition Center – Admiralty stations in crossing the Harbour to the Hong Kong Island by the East Rail line with the Cross Harbour Section….

in which there’s been major Tracks Modifications innovatively to carry out the complicated engineering works on the operating sections on Overhead lines as part of the massive installation work among the Advance works there will be train suspensions in between Lok Ma Chau and Lo Wu that connects towards the Tai Wai Stations in which also to Mong Kok East Station on towards Hung Hom on no Train services between Mong Kong and Hung Hom sections on certain dates..

It’s Also best to keep updated on using the MTR Mobile App to Facilitates Passengers to plan Their Journeys earlier.. in which also In Station publicity Information informality passengers through various channels..   on alternatives on other MTR Lines, Other Public Transport, Free Shuttle buses.. also Passengers may go to customer services centers for enquires about any fair issues .. also best to arranges reserve travelling time.. Bifurcation works on East Rail Line is a large-scale and complex project, especially on an existing running line. The works not only include track reconfiguration, installation of overhead line and modification of part of the existing signalling system equipment, but also involve testing and fine-tuning. Despite these challenges, our team has carried out thorough planning along the way with regular inspections and tests to ensure that the works will be carried out smoothly and safely.

At the Station Staff will assistance to passengers with announcements with more staff to provide more assistances in which Opening of the Full Tuen Ma Line is expected to open in the 2021 year as the Opening of the East Rail line crossing Harbour section is expected in 2022.. ..

After the completion of the East Rail Line Cross-Harbour Section project, East Rail Line service will then extend from Hung Hom Station to Admiralty Station without the need for any interchange, providing one more option for passengers to cross the harbour. To prepare for this new train service extension to Hong Kong Island, critical bifurcation works on the East Rail Line will be carried out shortly. Watch the video now to have Jarvis Chow tell you about the special arrangements during the bifurcation works!

東鐵綫過海段工程完成後,到時東鐵綫將由紅磡站伸延過海至金鐘站,乘客毋須轉車便可直達金鐘,過海再多一個選擇。 為咗配合將來服務延伸至港島,東鐵綫新軌道接駁關鍵工程即將展開,立即收睇短片,由周奕瑋帶大家了解工程期間嘅特別安排!

#香港 #AlreadyTomorrowInHongKong | #February2021 | #HongKongSAR #香港中樂團#HongKongChineseOrchestra featuring for #ChineseLunarNewYear ushering Red Couplets, featuring 80 musicians, 32 types of instruments for the #YearOfTheOx …..


In Already tomorrow in Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR – China – People’s Republic of China .. Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra..   Featuring towards the Start the New Year for you with the most dazzling chapter of Chinese music in which Chinese New Years  is on 12th February 2021.. ! Today  on 9th February 2021  is the  theme orchestra featuring score “Big Dragon and Phoenix”, which premiered at 8 o’clock in the evening in the world, has many years of lanterns high, 80 musicians and two lions gathered together, plus 32 kinds of blowing and percussion instruments to form a dragon and a tiger. Bring you sound and picture music Huaichun, and best wishes for the Year of the Ox…..

 Featuring with This rousing Chinese Lunar New Year performing from the flagship Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra is not to be missed: to ward off evil spirits; to clear the way for good fortune to come home; and to usher in a prosperous Year of the Ox with abundant blessings…..featuring with the this 4-minute Musical Red Couplets, featuring 80 musicians, 32 types of instruments and two dancing lions, is sure to bring an upbeat mood at this festive time of the year. What to look out for: Bianzhong (bronze bells) – rarely seen percussion set of bronze bells (weighing about 1.6 tonnes); Jiangu (big drum) – a massive drum from Jiangzhou of Shanxi province (1.3 metres in diameter and 1 metre deep); and Eco-huqins, developed by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra

Featuring with many of the Chinese Traditional ancient musical instruments in which fusion with Classical Western Musical Instruments in some featuring with attentive attention.. ….Chime: Bronze ritual vessel, freshly exposed in front of the camera, weighing about 1.6 tons…..Construction drum: Shanxi Jiangzhou drum, 1.3 meters in circumference and 1 meter in depth……..Environmental Huqin: developed by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra…….

Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra is a Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre

Images and visuals are from… Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra