#DOCTORWHO | #TARDIS- Matt Lucas and Pearl Mackie touring during season ten production…

As during season ten production of Doctor who arrives within a day’s time, airing on 15th April 2017 on BBC one, In which Nardole- Matt Lucas with a inbetween Matt Smith and Peter  Capaldi style look  also with her own, owning her style is  Bill Potts-Pearl Mackie as the Doctor’s newest companions, as all sets off adventurously what awaits them in with Missy’s mischief  back in the never ending storyline. As they set to explore around the TARDIS in exploring the various consoles, examine the various components of the central control console. In between its main Helm, Navigation, Diagnostics, communications, Fabrication, Mechanical integrated sections hexagonally that surrounds the time vortex column….  As they examine one part was their favourite in which was the placement section where the sonic screwdriver was presented in the last scene of the Heaven sent after the his old sonic screwdriver was misplaced in replacement with sonic wearable trendy shades..

DOCTOR WHO | Welcome to New York premiering season nine screening…

As the “Doctor Who” season nine The Magician’s Apprentice premiere Today on the 19th September  2015,  with this season with a Darker season than the previous, as the Doctor becomes his War Doctor self in saving his Companion Clara (Jenna Coleman) also that Includes Missy (Michelle Gomez)..  In this, fans cosplay come along to the New York Screening Premiering of the Magician’s Apprentice hosted by Michelle Gomez the now favourite old school tormenting friend of the Doctor knowing as the Master now Missy did an Questioning, Answering and stories to fans on the panel … dangerous dark episode where it explains the first hand connection of the Doctor and Davros, the Boy he tried to save with compassion, in flight after he heard the Boy’s name later on summoning him. as Clara and Missy follow with the Doctor to a deadly dire trap thought to be a Hospital but known as Skaro. ..


DOCTOR WHO | Game Maker… Create your adventures in Time in Space…..


Given you just played the Super Mario Maker and create some awesome levels to game in, well also as the season nine Doctor which is in least three days’ time, on 19th September 2015 to   recollect the adventuring relationship with Clara and The Doctor… in this you create, design you own levels with challenging your skillsets… the game play creation is like Super Mario Game Maker adding levels in creating that adventure with the Doctor, Clara, and that Box the Tardis with various monsters in the series.. “The Doctor Who Game Maker” is Browser based in which takes a while to load up the game tools depending on you broadband connection…   So when you game like General Strax the lovable Sontaran..

DOCTOR WHO | the intriguing season nine prologue… back to Planet Karn…


As” Doctor who” approaches in a least seven day times 19th September 2015 … as the prologue of the 5oth Anniversary the day of the Doctor we are taken to the planet Karn to where the War Doctor is generated after years of the Doctor in warring in the Time War in the Time of the Daleks have the upper hand against the Gallifreyan.. Where in the previous past the Priestess of Karn have awarded curse him extra more regeneration as in the first Doctor William Hartwell   … This time returning to Karn, in his seems that the Doctor seeming having unfinished business in resulting to his own destruction as he handed his disc, Gallifrey engraved last will and testament to the priestess in which ended up with Missy (The Master) like somehow along the way that The Master founded the Planet Karn, regenerated into the female version of her previously himself as she is always a survivor taunting in some sort of the relationship with the Doctor….

DOCTOR WHO | The Magicians Apprentice.. An intense seasons nine…

As the build up to a much darker season on 19th September, in this we see in this that Missy, the Master(Michelle Gomez) present that something is not right to Clara Oswald ( Jenna Coleman), presenting to Clara the Last will and testament disk of the Doctor.. in this it’s the search for the Doctor  by Missy and Clara to see as what Clara mentions “what have you done..  “Whether it’s the Doctor or Missy that done something wrong on Clara’s mind.. Also I’m guessing that he’s hiding from something.. in this we return to the early history of the Dalek Home world Skaro where the first Doctor and granddaughter Susan Forman also her teachers visited….   There’s one thing interesting who is that little boy with that field of eyed hands branching out from the muddy ground..