BEHIND THE SCENES – AFK | How to build a fake wall for your next production..?


When you in construction of making that set for your next production, either for stage or for studio stage set building….. Also when the actual material for construction like for making a stone wall becomes expensive for the budget required.. So what do you do..?  Well one thing is to become creative…. One way is to used  pallet wood where finding pallet wood is inexpensive…  when broken then glued with a strong adhesive  onto a massive back wall in like a sorted out brick manner.. Then wait for the glue to dry. Once Dry mix basic white based paints with black to create that undertone grey with sand to give that painted rocky stone texture look… like for when the crew set building for a “New Zealand Web Series AFK… “

Once the undertone dries up… Then paint with a watered down brown paint to paint in-between… The broken grey wood pallets is then heavily textured with the sand, and dirt to give an extra layer of timely worn rubbing it onto the grey board then spraying it with adhesive glue to hold the worn dirt onto the board then apply the same process with the in creating more layers with a bit of greens to give a moss growth.. also make sure the other panel walls have the same continuous texturing

WARCRAFT-WETA | Constructing Durotan the Orc for Madame Tussaud’s London….


As Madame Tussaud’s newest residences in London is featuring Durotan, also other characters from Lothar form the movie Warcraft based on Legendary studio and production of the World of Warcraft MMORPG,   in which is now in screening  at the moment for the southern hemisphere winter season of 2016….  One of the newly acquired residences is Durotan, Durotan is constructed out from animation components of the film in which has taken 2711 hours , 55 technicians,  80 kilograms of clay to 3D printed the structure also other components are molded structured out from clay to form the cast later on in which the structure of Durotan taken ninety silicon molds, seven fiberglass components combining with ninety Kilograms of steel skeleton to hold the structure together as all the components are assemble the crew taken over hundreds of hours of painting.. With incredible detail like the ANZAC works that can be found in Tepa in Wellington..  with that incredible detail 463 hours of hair installments  with 15 meters of leather to costume 2.2 meter tall life size figure of Durotan..   it should be interesting to see what other characters of Weta Workshop has constructed for the Warcraft residences..