DOCTOR WHO |The female Doctor- there’s cold spot…………………………..

In the great Hall of Karn.. one sister of the sisterhood noticed something …………………………


Then a cold chill, of cold wind came and all in the Hall have fell this chill, Ohila wondering if there’s a change in weather in this summer season of Karn, it’s been very warm lately, constantly warm, but hot, however a cold chill is always welcome.. Continuing the discussion… But the hall, it’s surroundings are getting even colder… Something not right… it’s not usually not this cold in one instant.. Seems that somethings here, something, someone old and ancient, ancient than me.. Looking at the hall the other sisters, feeling this new cold that’s entered into the great Hall..  “everyone warm up.. “ as she pointed out to her sisters, then moving out from chair.. Wondering if someone is here.. , she pointed out that she’ll be back as the others, gather their warm cloaks, to warm themselves up….   As she walked down steps of her chair, in the hall, walking down it, walking down it, and out the Hall.. “I’ll be back my sisters.. “


DOCTOR WHO | The female Doctor – Still at the Planet Karn………………..

Meanwhile on the Planet Karn…………That Heat Talks about the Cloisters on Galifery in the Great Hall of the Sisterhood of Karn…………….


As the discussions continues heated up, it off  the talks of the Galifery’s Cloisters, and the graves of within the cloisters… Thinking those back long ago of whom it was a massive graveyard of the Galifery’s decease after they confess what they meant to be confine to it, knowing what it is it hasn’t been used for a very long time… one sister asked” what if there’s an over population in the Cloisters, and there’s needs be more room to move.. ?” Ohila turn to her, thinking “ it could be the, Orthough it’s mean to massive grave for Galifery’s decease within it, it is another world in there, within that Cloisters its own universe within a planet….and you think it’s overcrowding, over populated.. ?”

The other sister, down in hall, a junior sister wondered a if situation… “What if within the cloisters aren’t over populated….. but it’s something distressful they know of what’s going on the outside.. Surely that the Galiferyian people have been informing them on all the news at hand when it’s first constructed… “Ohila thought… “ or maybe they sense that something is not right.. That they or all know something that we don’t something about.. “The Junior sister thoughtful think with her eyes in “in judging onto something that something within tells the Galiferyians of what’s to come.. Like the Prophecy with the Hybrids, also with the other prophecies.. Maybe they know something that we don’t “

Ohila….. “That’s true we don’t know what’s within, understand fully within the cloisters….. It’s a whole new, unknown world in there, even though it’s completely of Galiferyians residing there as there last resting place, still lifting… “Pointing out her thoughts …. To her sisters think”……soon we will visit friends of Galifery… to find the answers.. “




DOCTOR WHO | The female Doctor – it’s about back to Hell’s Bent………………………………

Distantly The Planet Karn…….In the great Hall of the sisterhood……………..


One sister asked “Do we know anyone whom have killed Davros.. Is the Doctor?” the head Priestess of Karn, Ohila, very much aged now “no one knows at this time, if someone whom killed Davros.. Then it’s a blessing in disguise..  Where the Doctor is anyone guess… “  Replying back thinking back where he is, thinking back to that disgusted moment where the last time they’ve meet was on Galifery in where he’s about to do something that was totally out of his character in which she hated, in which that Doctor wasn’t him that the rules of self didn’t apply to him as at time Galifery was on verge of at the end of time, that been said, he pulled, extracted, saving his companion in which is his equal, she Clara Oswald was the female version of him, they were golden together..  Something dangerously together as the two was the prophecy of the hybrid. So that long time ago.. it wasn’t understandable, now it is.. Knowing that he was out of character then… in his shoes she’ll do the same..



DOCTOR WHO | The female Doctor- Galifery is falling..

Walking across that massive bridge towards the underground Citadel’s control room.. where entering that massive room where every station’s Holo display is focusing on damage control from every city of Galifery. In where it’s now basically managing the damage assessment.. trying to repair the damage now.. But what if the cloisters within it is telling me something.. Knowing within it’s the ghostly Ancient parts of Galifery…. Now what if they telling me something that’s I’m missing, Orthough it’s been a very long time since the Cloisters was awaken he came..

Walking through several multiple consoles that monitor the capital also the other larger to smaller cities around Galifery all are experiencing the same thing.. But the outer ones are lesser effect in as the network of cities is a jointed together with a massive underground network … as she looked around the various Holo Monitors city’s control room that displayed in this massive dome hall…  “What are the structural conditions of the outer cities of Galifery…?” as he turn to the other officer whom looking at the other engineering panels… “Not good Madame President … the outer cities are experiencing the same thing but least violent in the magnitude… “Looking at the data in which the Cloisters are ringing “The damage seems very radial in the less as the furthermost of cities.. “  The other officer from the other panel looked in shocked. .” Madame President the Citadel’s glass shielding just shattered. Massive casualties everywhere..    Turning to the tactical and operations of the section of the hall.. “Have the medical on full operations; send them out there now to recover what population is left. Also there might be much regeneration moments that you may encounter, nurtured, treat the ones whom have been injured… “As he turns to her general  … “…..Also place every solider armed fully on the Planet… “Looking at the various screens that displayed massive breaches in and outside in the various cities…. “Where totally Defenseless now. Make sure the soldiers are well armed too…..” looking at the others in the room…” if the Daleks know about this we’re doomed this time.. “Looking at the extend of the massive level of damage around Galifery cities.. it’s like a massive earthquake hit it… like the time where one city has been cratered by an asteroid a long time ago..  Has she saw her general marching out to do search and rescue in a quick haste in assembling the surrounding troops and officers underground and on ground hearing him in the distance.. …



DOCTOR WHO | The female Doctor- that shot long time ago..

Looking at the Holo Screen both has she hastened her walk towards several steps, making ways to the enormous halls corridors to the Control hall…? ‘Figure out who access the commands of the Cloisters historically and last point of when they were access  …? “   In feeling another rumble this time this is large.. Her office have disappeared into the coven underground grounds levels of the city.. has she turn her shoulder to look that vacant eerie cavity….. Thinking if I stayed only ten minutes too late that could be me with no regeneration that shot long time ago is my last…
