Armageddon 2011- part two

This Armageddon 2011, Auckland,  has been an interesting one, normally it runs during the course of the labour weekend, but as this year It made way for a sporting event, the Rugby world cup.

I’ve notice this year that there were least stalls that the last, most of the stalls from the last decide to moved into having larger units to cover move retail estate coverage, like how you may find in a Farmers Market. First you dabble in a small stall, then when it works out you’ll go for a larger next later.

As for cosplay, still trending constantly  yearly is Star Wars,  following by other television shows such as collection of Doctor Who, trending with a gaming, marvel, DC Comic characters, Star Trek, also one other is trending popular is Steam punk, as shown on the last few episodes of the Guild, when Carla rescuing her newly found steam punk friends  from a spectator  airship display disaster  then to winning an award for best group cosplay in Con, Megagame-o-ramacon.

The last day of the event happen to be very, interesting, it was quieter than from the start day of Friday, this is due too that it carry on through to a working Monday, having been a working day, the presence of a crowd was lost, had it been held in the previous week where It would have drawn the same attention as the weekend

Deconstruction happen early, as there’s a few guest around in the last few hours of five in the afternoon came to a drawing curtain close, mostly of the stalls holders began lest half an hour prior closing time. but one good thing during that day, there are some specials if you hang around long enough to bartering.

Deconstruction of Armageddon 2011-Auckland:

Impressive Cosplays.

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