DOCTOR WHO | Peter Capaldi’s 12th Doctor attire

Today it’s the 28 January 2014; over here it’s a clear day well relatively where you are… Also today it’s the releasement of what the first twelfth Doctor hero attire look like, knowing  the 11th Doctor, Matt Smith’s attire has gone to some interesting costume changes as the three seasons  evolving to his hero attire in the episode of “ The Time of the Doctor”.

Looking at Peter Capaldi’s Doctor’s hero attire… has the remembrances of the 11th Doctor… the clean lines  waist coat also the dark black, Gallifreyan red line coat, plus those stomping gentlemen polished shoes or boots like if he raid or borrowed from a Doc Martens shoe store..  But one thing that I did notices it the blue, and red bow ties in which no long resides around the buttoned up collar.. Guessing that Peter’s trademark for now… the “Rebel Time Lord” fashioned by Howard Burden..

When I look at Capaldi’s 12th Doctor Hero’s attire…. I noticed it’s homage to Hurt’s War Doctor, David’s and Matt’s Doctor…. In sense that the coat has seen wartime adventures during the time war even though it’s regenerative fresh…  And it’s missing the Sonic Screwdriver shoulder shot gun holster…  The cut of the coat has the hall marks of all three Doctors from the “Day of Doctor” it has David’s upper buttoned jacket, also Matt’s, Hurt’s coat cut to it..  The waist coat is very Hurt’s also very Matt Smith’s

As to the pants it fashionably Matts and Hurt’s… The trousers’ cut… Is basically the two… Also with the shoes or boots… Both solidly for hard adventuring wearing…  it’s should be intriguing of what they will come up next as the season progresses as of Peter Capaldi’s Doctor wardrobe akin to the Matt’s..   In which we’ll see in the UK’s northern hemisphere’s Autumn BBC’s airing calendar…

DOCTOR WHO | your Tardis door replica – pull to open

Orthough that Christmas is over for now until the next year.  What this’s great gift to give too whom love a piece of their very own TARDIS, in which the very door which opens up to a police Telephone hatch which Matt Smith’s eleventh Doctor did in the “Time of the Doctor” where he opens up left side Tardis door and open up the telephone hatch to receive a very urgent Christmas call for help in need for a boyfriend to cook a Christmas Turkey lunch or dinner for her family “ Hello Oswald’s”  while the friendly Cybermen’s head companion  name “ Handles” whom very persistence’s manner urgently to inform the Doctor to link the phone communications systems back to the console..

The RubberToe replica phone hatch door comes in two colours in which are the Matt Smith Tardis colour, the sprayed auto motive paint and the softer blue, the Hand painted emulsion.  The Hatch door comes in to the exact scale, with the original lettering, manufactured by Rubbertoe workshops, the opal textured Perspex is laser cut,  with the akin font of century Gothic black lettering,  wooden frame,  with a chrome  sliver handles…  the dimensions or the door are measured  in 380 mm by 425mm.

Like to know more where to get your replicated Tardis telephone door from Rubbertoe workshops or forbidden Planet…?

Doctor Who | The Day of the Doctor- a playlist

“Great men are forge in fire….. “ – The Doctor- John Hurt’s 

As two weeks draws near for “ The Day of the Doctor” Doctor Who, which happens to be on 23rd November 2013, in which featuring  three Doctors, John Hurt, David Tennant, also Matt Smith’s, in gathering mystery of a painting, painted by Elisabeth, in which UNIT has present to Matt’s Doctor with Clara, in a the devastation of Gallifrey, of somewhat of the Time War between the Time lords and its Allies in battlement with the Daleks… in which during that time emergency regenerated the eight point five Doctor.. as the premise is akin to Krypton’s faith also.. the battlement against the Zygons

The interesting think, is that the Matt’s and David’s Doctor is comparing notes, between sonic screwdrivers, Tardis  Desktop Themes, and even spectacles that they both wear fashionably..  while John Hurt’s Doctor sits on the slide lines and watches his future self-comparing notes ..

In the various trailers of the Day of the Doctor, Rose Tyler ( Billie Piper) fashionably dressed in akin the game of thrones, Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke)  seems to have a essences of the Time Vortex within  her eyes… interestingly mysterious…

As yet we’ll see what to come on the Day of the Doctor on the 23rd November 2013.. #SAVETHEDAY