TOMB RAIDER- 20TH ANNIVERSARY | Rise of the Tomb Raider- BLOOD TIES- Lady Lara Croft-…..

As for the Lady Lara Croft’s home “Tomb Raider”, her family household has always been in constant struggle with ownership of Croft Manor with her relatives, in the movies it was her Aunt, now it’s her Uncle whom is now challenging her for the ownership for the Manor ever since her parents past away.. in which a given letter that her uncle has threat her to vacated her childhood home in which is needing some serious repairs, in which it has sort of become the derelict places that she adventures and explores.. to explore into Croft Manor in which restoring your, you as Lady Lara Croft ‘s birthright, legacy, heir to Croft Manor  before your uncle forcefully evicts you..

In this twentieth year Anniversary single player storyline of Lara’s is find what your father has been doing for all these years after your mother past away, what hidden caverns of laboratories your father researching into the underworld,  “ Lara’s Nightmare” mode which zombies appear roaming, invading your home Croft Manor, defending it..  Before the evil aftermath takes risen presence……

Tomb raider –rise of the Tomb raider is available on 11th October 2016 on all three platforms PC, Xbox, PlayStation four..