Beautifully – upside down

Divide by wealth, forbidden to communicate, what if love was stronger than Gravity. Watching the immersive trailer, has all the catchings of a Shakespearean novel the differences between two worlds, instead of  a feud  of two houses like in Romeo and Juliet, it’s between two worlds of twinned Earths in the same common solar system. One world is deprived of wealth, social class, the other is not. Has I gather watching the trailer it’s a gathering of a decade more twin earth relationship between two lovers, Adam (Jim Stugess ) also Eden ( Kirsten Dunset ).

It seems the relationship evolve over time, when they tried physically seriously first met, on a twinned adjacent mountain tops, then intercepted, by their own worlds. Eden fell, seeming decades later, Adam found that Eden is alive, but resultingly with memory loss of before, both parallel working on twinned companies Trans world with its vast towers extending connecting both worlds. It seems that Adam progressing to find Eden again in all cost in wrecking the very nature of both worlds.

One thing I love about the trailer, is the visually gripping environment, it’s depths of both worlds, it’s shows both worlds, how it so much of the differences  in between in very much so like, akin to the worlds in cloud atlas, inception also to another upcoming film Elysium. Also interesting how both world weathering climate dynamics interact crazily with two earths,   I would say this is a timeless this is a Shakespearean  classic  that love does conquers all, regardless the gravity of both worlds…

Produce by Les Films, Upside down Inc, – Onyx Films – Transfilm Intl. – Studio 37 – Kinologic Films (UD) – Jouror Productions – France 2 Cinema

Directed and screenwriter by  Juan Salanas

for more clips of Upside down check out below . watch it in 720 HD

Released dates for Upside Down, 

Also it’s release out on the US iTunes store…. 

like to know more about a timeless classic  Shakespearean  premise — Upside Down the Movie