COSPLAY-STAR TREK | Las Vegas 2015 -gearing up for the 50th Anniversary…………..


As to Comic Con San Diego builds up for the 2016 year, so does “Star Trek Las Vegas”  for the 50th Anniversary in which numerous events that’s going on, the Release of “ Star Trek Beyond’ also in the 2017 televised year a new Series that maybe covered in the Original time line universe covering mostly from the Enterprise B era to the more before the Next Generations with new crew, new ship, new stories..

In during the convention of Star Trek Las Vegas 2015 in which the next is at August 3-7 2016..  There was some creative innovative cosplays as every single year the leveling of cosplays improves in which crosses many levels in between to various series also in game from Star trek Online… each telling that story from that moment of that scene with which the level of makeup with costume mash ups in crossing into another franchise, as to this years it should creatively interesting to see what’s install for the 50th Anniversary..

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